Originally Posted by khanarabians
Does anyone else carry around a little book holding laminated pics of thier Phals just so they don't buy the same colour twice...hee hee. I do.
I love the idea of having a little album of laminated pictures of your Phals or Catts or what ever flavor your Chids are for several reasons...You can use it at the store to be able to select an entirely new one, so you won't have a carbon copy of any... That being said it gives you a whole NEW goal... How many different ones are their ? ? I wonder ? ?

And there is also the friends, neighbors, family and total stranges that you can show them to and tell the story's of all the successes and failures in each Chids eventful upbringing...But best of all to brag about their cudos, awards, photo sessions! But best of all the little bouncing Keikis they have given you and you could even have another album devoted just to them! 'Just watch them grow'...

Now I have another obsession to indulge in
You gotta love it, and I WILL!
Bobbi Jo