I see people all the time stick they nose into the flower of an orchid. Actually got to looking and smelling around and found the scent of mine doesnt come from the flower

It comes from glands (nectaries) on the column behind the flower . Its like beads of oil..The catt. acliandia just ooozes oil from behind the flower. The Encyclias have oil in the same places. The bractescens doesnt smell very strong in front of the flower but if you smell right behind it you can get a hint of the spice...The Cordigera is the same way. I couldnt detect the sweetness of it till I got behind it..

It also gets stronger in bright light and smells wonderful!!!!
But I do read they have the scent on the lip..hmmmm..not all of them do..I think the oil runs down onto the lip..But Im a noob
So next time you cant smell a flower..you might be smelling in the wrong places! or the wrong times!