Nice plants! Who said a haul had to be large in order to be nice? I had a Sedirea, (and just got another last week

), but can't tell you much about culture since it was a virused and sickly plant. Hope I'll do ok with my new one!
Have a look at the care sheet on the New World Orchids website:
Sedirea japonica
Here's the Orchidwiz info (based on habitat data) on it as well:
Light : 1800-2500fc. Light should be medium bright, plants should never be exposed to mid day sun.
Temp: summer days average of 78-87F, and nights average 66-74F. Can grow cooler than indicated.
Humidity: 75-80% year round, with heavy rainfall in habitat from spring to autumn. Cultivated plants should be watered heavily while actively growing, but drainage must be excellet, and conditiond around the roots should never become stale or soggy.
Rest: Winter days average 53-56F, and nights average 37-40F. We do not know if winter temperatures really need to be this cold, but nighttime averages should probably drop to near 40F for 2-3 months. Cultivated plants probably do not need a rest that is this severe or this long however. Christianson (1995) reported that plants of this species are relatively short lived in cultivation, usually flowering no more than 4-5 seasons. It is more likely that these plants need a cold period to become dormant and recieve necessary rest. If winter temperatures are too warm, they simply continue to grow until they die from exhaustion.
Plants should be kept rather dry between waterings, especially if they are grown in cold conditions.
media: Mounted if humidity is high, otherwise in small shallow pots or baskets filled with an open and fast draining medium that will retain some moisture, but allowing the plants to dry fairly rapidly after watering.
Basically it seems that they don't need the cold in order to bloom, but just to keep them from growing themselves to death. I think that it can be grown with Phals in the spring-summer fall (but maybe some more light than them), but then need to be on their own for the winter.