Just noticed that one of my phals is sending up a flower spike, it did the same thing last year but a month later.
I can tell already it's a spike from it's "mitten" shape, i posted progress pics of it growing last year, i'll do the same again as people seem to like that.
Good job! I have been growing for a long time, but I still love phals. You will see that they often re loom every year roughly around the same time depending on their environment and how healthy the plant is. I'd say you are doing a great job!, good growing!
I just noticed two nubs growing near where my phal lost a leaf (rough handling at the grocery store I got it from, no doubt), and I thought they were both roots until I looked closely. One little nub is silvery, and one looks just like this!!!
I am very excited, as I did have three huge, bud-laden spikes that all blasted this month. I love the progress pics!