I grow 48 mini's in a 55 gallon glass tank with a two bulb 48" T8 with reflector. They all grow beautifully. The 55 gal. tank is not deep most of my plants are mounted so they are relatively close to the light and the bottom is raised. Distance is the key. If your plants are close to the light you wont need as much light. I just recently purchased a 36" double T5 from Depot. There is no reflector and I wired it to plug in but it was cheap. $29.00 for the light and $10.00 for a medium duty plug. Its quite bright. They sell a 48" double T5 but I dont know how much. The double T5 without reflector or the T8 with reflector should be fine for most of your plants.
Last edited by Fishballs; 03-18-2011 at 08:51 PM..