Confused and amateur!
Hi all,
i am a COMPLETE novice and have no clue about any plants, so please bear with me.
I know i have a phal. I bought it for our new flat as it was so pretty, but when we went away for hols i think the in law over watered it as it died. Completely. Anyway, it ended up outside and i had given up hope for it. THere were a few times i thought it a bit sad as it was getting battered by the weather so i put it under some shelter outside. One day i thought i saw something poking out of the pot. A shoot! So i brought it indoors and it has now started to sprout a few....shoots. However, my excitement came to an end when after being a healthy green, they have begun to get dry and brown and withering. There are some still healthy ones though and inside some of the dry and brown stuff there are green shoots. Im confused! I water every few days with a sprinkle of water. The soil is dry but i know not to let that trick me. i know that soil is not the best to use but that was what i bought the plant in. The roots are thread like and white. Far from the green healthy things that it used to be... i cant find what it is MEANT to look like when its starting from scratch. Iv changed the soil now, and iv put pebbles at the bottom of the pot to allow drainage. It doesnt sit in direct light. Im not sure if its cos im not giving it water, or perhaps its meant to look like that. PLease help and forgive an amateur! I want to ressurect it!
Last edited by OrchidMolly; 05-03-2011 at 04:16 AM..