Originally Posted by gingersmommy
Oh, please tell - species phal as opposed to? - hybrid? Do you have a greenhouse; what are your growing conditions?
Yes... It's just a straight species phal... not a hybrid.
Quite the find from a dumpster (where my friend found it) I would say.
I do not have a green house.
It resides in my kitchen window.
Let's see... growing conditions..
Between 40 - 75 % RH... temps in summer range from 80 - 110.
Normally around 90 to 95.
Winter temps range between 30 - 55.. Normally about 40.
Potting medium is medium grade bark chips and sphag moss in even parts.
The window is south facing so this receives strong dappled light from morning till sunset. With about 4 hours of direct sunlight in mid morning to early afternoon.
The pots just that clay orchid pot with the holes.
I fertilize with urea free orchid fertilizer from grow more.
20-20-20 at about 1/4 teaspoon per half gallon every other watering.
When I fertilize I mix RODI water with 25% tap.
When I'm just watering I use straight RODI water.
I mist the top of the potting medium every day. And water about once a week.
When I water I let it soak in the water for about 20 min.
And that's my complete orchid care schedule. Lol
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