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Old 10-27-2011, 11:20 PM
glengary54 glengary54 is offline
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joanieb16 - In over 35 years of growing all types of orchid genera I have never heard of a plant that was doing well that had a total collapse without there being some kind of warning that something was wrong with the plant. Phalaenopsis most times do not spike and grow leaves at the same time. Without leaves it will be hard pressed to photosynthesize and continue growing. Without knowing exactly what caused the collapse, all you can hope is that the plant will send out a basal growth in an effort to save itself, but with it spiking I doubt that it will have enough enenrgy to do even that. The spike very well may continue to bloom and most likely the plant will die shortly after that. Or you could cut off the spike in hopes that the energy will be redirected to growing a new basal growth. Short of that there is really nothing that you can do at this point but hope. I'm sorry for what may appear to be a harsh assessment of the situation but with little to go on it's the best that I can offer.
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Old 10-27-2011, 11:37 PM
silken silken is offline
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I agree with glengary54. If there are absolutely no leaves, there is nothing much to sustain it. I'm not sure I would even disturb it to look at roots at this point. I would either let it bloom in hopes of there being some to enjoy and knowing its likely the last. Or cut the spike and as glengary54 suggests, hope that it will grow a basal keiki. I have seen some very near dead phals stubbornly hold onto life, so it may do that if there are any roots at all. Good luck with it.
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Old 11-06-2011, 01:53 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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The Phal abuse ends here.

I have a number of Noid phals, but I've begun to wonder about one of them... every other phal I have has leaves I'd describe as strap like, with a tendency to hang and flop a little bit. This one though has leaves that are more oar blade shaped, a bit wider towards the end away from the plant than nearer to it. They also stick out more ridgedly. Neater than the average phal!

The plant had been put outside for anyone to take who wanted it, so had no label or info at all. At the time it had the remains of (large) white flowers with a red lip.

I'm assuming it is a phal hybrid of some description, since it was a 'throwaway' plant. However I'm wondering what the leaf shape says about it's ancestory, and also if it has any bearing on care?

PS: I've had it a while, but recently improved lighting, and repotted it last week, and it's now got a new flower spike starting from a node on an old one *G*
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Old 11-06-2011, 02:19 PM
silken silken is offline
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Rowangreen, I'm not sure about it's parentage. But all of my phals that are growing happily with lots of roots have rigid leaves. I think that's what you are aiming for. Some leaves are much more wide than others, but if they flop I would say they aren't getting enough moisture either due to not enough roots, or very low humidity.
Old 11-06-2011, 02:52 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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When I say floppy, I don't mean really floppy, just in comparison. There might be some issues, but that's not what's making the difference. This plant really has got different leaves.
Old 11-06-2011, 03:37 PM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Maybe you are right. I will try and post pictures when I finally get round to getting a new camera card ordered...
Old 11-10-2011, 04:07 PM
katgyrl katgyrl is offline
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The Phal abuse ends here. Female

I'm brand spankin' new here, and one of the main reasons I searched out a forum is because my phaleonopsis plants were looking so sad!

I have them in my bathroom in what I believe is a west-facing window (the sun rises in the east, right? :P ). They get indirect sunlight all day and some direct sun in the evening, though the window is one of those clouded bathroom ones so I'm not sure how much actually gets through.

They have all looked healthy when I got them (at various times - my oldest one I think I've had for a year and a half), and then I have replanted them all into a bark mix (all have been in moss - from grocery stores) and then after a bit they all have started looking wilty and most have lost their bottom leaf or two and still their bottom one or two leaves that are left get wrinkled and leathery and droopy. I read that this is because their roots are not healthy? But it seems like others plant their phals in a similar mix, so what am I doing wrong?!

They get watered once a week. I have not been able to buy fertilizer so they don't get that (I do have some Miracle Grow african violet fertilizer, will that work?). I mist them several times a day with a spray bottle. They are in a gravel tray that I try to keep a bit of water in for humidity.

Most of them are still growing new leaves and have some new root growth, but their old leaves are sad.

Any suggestions as to why my poor things are not happy?
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Old 11-10-2011, 04:46 PM
silken silken is offline
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Welcome to OB. Lots of good info here. Can you post a picture? And is the bark getting soaked long enough that it is holding some moisture for a few days? What size pot are they in?
Old 11-10-2011, 07:20 PM
katgyrl katgyrl is offline
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The Phal abuse ends here. Female

should I post pics here or somewhere else?
Old 11-10-2011, 07:39 PM
silken silken is offline
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It's fine to post them tight here or to a link if you post photos or Flicker or the like. Press the "Go advanced" button below and manage attachments. They must be a fairly small size as per the instructions
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