Thanks! I've been doing a little reading and got some answers myself. I think I'll be getting some rooting hormone when I can (long story... have the money, can't currently use it online grrrr, hopefully sorted soon...). I have found references to 'sphag and bag', so may try that if there's no sign of roots by the time I get the hormone!
Re lights... I was always under the impression that plants can't use most artificial lights. Having done some reading I've found that's not strictly true. They can photosynthesise under household lights. However... as has been said above, the best type of light to grow under is one of around 6,500 kelvin, which is the same colour as natural light. The bulb I posted fits with this. Other colours of lights do something, but even if strong enough might promote certain types of growth, which would not be ideal in the long term.
The other important factor is strength of the light. It's not really possible to assess the strength of light with the human eye because our eyes are very good at quickly adapting! Here's a list of light requirements for different orchids:
Light Requirements by Genus -
That gives light requirements of 1,000 to 3,000 foot candles per day. Unfortunately most bulbs give light strength ratings in lumens...
According to
this page you can't really convert candlepower to lumens, however they give a very rough formula of lumens / 12.57 = candles. Using that, my example bulb rates at around 127 candles. Therefore, to use them as the only light source for Phals, you might need between 10 and 30 of those bulbs... A full under lights set up might work out cheaper if that is correct...
In my case, where I do have light coming in from a window, but have signs that it's not enough: for now I'm leaving the bulb I already have on during the day. And I'm going to get a couple of these bulbs to see if they are enough of a suplement to natural light.
And hopefully I'm not talking total rubbish *G*
Now if you want instructions on what bulbs you need to grow cannabis... no problem finding that out! LOL