I bought my first Neostylis about a month ago, and planted it in a mixture of lava rock, bark, charcoal, perlite and a few chunks of peat moss. I've been noticing the roots on the top not necessarily looking very healthy and someone had warned about the use of chunked peat moss.
So, I decided to pull it out of the medium and found that what used to be the two longest/healthiest roots were no more. Over half of both of them had died, along with a few smaller ones.
I believe I read that someone here put theirs in lava rock, so I bought some quarter sized and have repotted it. I believe the roots will now get better air ventilation due to the size of the rocks.
My questions are is this an appropriate medium to use for Neostylis, and I am guessing that since they like copious amounts of water that I will have to water it everyday.
Does anybody have any thoughts and guidance on this?
FYI: I tried to do the traditional japanese sphag mound, but failed miserably many times. So, I gave up!