Originally Posted by Hiders25
I think I'm definitely going to repot in bark (is it safe to do it now when it's really not doing anything?).
I'm not even sure you should consider repotting in bark. Most of the problems with Phals potted in sphagnum are caused by overwatering which leads to root rot (insufficient breathing). Since you've managed to avoid root rot, you have a very "light hand" with watering, and sphagnum is likely to work for you. The best potting medium is the one that works for you.
Anyway, you should rehydrate the plant before any repotting, since after repotting you would need to keep the plant dry for two weeks, to give it time to settle and heal any root wounds.
Originally Posted by Hiders25
And Val when you say dunk do you really mean dunk, as in the whole pot in the water, or just the base to soak up the water?
The whole pot in the water (at least 70-80%, since it would tend to float), for 30 minutes. But make sure it's fully drained afterwards. Repeat 2-3 times, when roots are almost dry (could be after one week, or after 3-4 days, just watch the roots).
And since the sphagnum will retain much more water than bark, you will need a good ventilation. Place a fan at a 6-10 feet distance and have it blow a light breeze for 50% of the time, night and day.
I stay away from moss, but whenever I saw Phals thriving in sphagnum, they were very well ventilated.