rescue mini phal & paph--spag & bag ICU survival?
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rescue mini phal & paph--spag & bag ICU survival?
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Old 03-04-2011, 12:58 PM
pedidiva pedidiva is offline
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rescue mini phal &amp; paph--spag &amp; bag ICU survival? Female
Default rescue mini phal & paph--spag & bag ICU survival?


Am trying to rescue 2 mini phals--they have roots (which after taking off the rotted ones & spraying with fungicide) look pretty good. The Paph's roots were in worse shape & really had a little nub (if at all) of a healthy root. Did the same thing--cleaned up & sprayed with fungicide).

I placed each one in a 2" pot, with moistened, not packed tightly spaghum. I have them setting on a pie plate with a large zip-lock over them to create more bumidity, but allows for some airflow. I guess a mini ICU. It looks like a croup tent, really.

I feel pretty confident that the phals will survive, but I'm not so sure about the Paph. Does anyone have any experience reviving a plant with such a limited root supply? If the paph dies, I will chalk it up to learning--ie, don't buy the poor plants that no one else wants because you feel sorry for it & it's ridiculously marked down.

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Old 03-04-2011, 01:24 PM
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rescue mini phal &amp; paph--spag &amp; bag ICU survival? Male

Sounds like you've made the right moves, but I'll throw out 2 more to consider:

A seedling heat mat will warm the root zone and potentially stimulate root growth.

K-L-N, SuperThrive, or some other synthetic rooting hormone supplents.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 03-04-2011, 01:38 PM
pedidiva pedidiva is offline
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rescue mini phal &amp; paph--spag &amp; bag ICU survival? Female

oh, thanks for the info. One of the phals is making a keiki.
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feel, mini, paph, pretty, root, icu, survival, bag, paph--spag, phal, rescue

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