Originally Posted by cythaenopsis
I like how you attached some moss to them earlier, as a means of providing extended moisture exposure. I wonder if you're still doing this, as later photos do not show any moss on the keikis.
Not anymore. I just water the mother plant when the roots look (almost) dry.
An interesting outcome of the moss experiment: when the moss was wrapped around the root base, everything was OK, but when the moss was around the root tips (shorter roots, for instance), the roots grew into the moss but never grew as long as to get out of the moss. Which is logical in hindsight: why leave the place where you can find water and food?. So happy roots get lazy

Originally Posted by cythaenopsis
One other thing... to see keikis create their own keikis! That's just incredible. 
Well, not yet. For now, I'm happy with keikis blooming simultaneously.
Originally Posted by cythaenopsis
Basically if you are letting the mother plant support a keiki, do you need to mist the roots every day?
I used to do that at the beginning, but then I stopped, wathching them closely. Nothing (bad) happened. Watering and feedeng the mother plant correctly proved to be enough.
However, I did mist the roots of every keiki that I knew was going to be cut and potted, for several days before cutting them from the mother plant, as a means of getting them used to a wet-dry cycle.
Originally Posted by cythaenopsis
I guess this is the kind of plant you really need to be with frequently.
I don't really
need to - but I
want to

I feel like a little boy in front of a giant cake. I can't take my eyes off... her.
Originally Posted by cythaenopsis
I wonder if the mother plant will continue sprouting keiki's, if it finds that doing so doesn't tax it too much (plenty of periodic moisture and nutrients).
Apart from the genetic factor (and equestris is notoriously prone to keikis), it also depends on the plant's strength and the stress factor. This time it produced keikis because it was stressed (not enough light, followed by to much light), and fortunately it was healthy and strong enough to be able to carry all of them. But I'm stil convinced that it was a complex combination of factors that stil eludes me.
Originally Posted by cythaenopsis
Do you use any orchid food supplements when watering?
Just MSU-type fertilizer, 4ml/liter, with every watering (rain water). When the keikis were young, I used to add some KLN rooting hormone from time to time. I was afraid I was going to have to remove many of them very soon and I wanted them to be ready for potting. But other than that, nothing.