I am asking how to physically transfer the water from a bucket of room temperature water to a Phalaenopsis plant. Sometimes the simplest question goes unanswered in all the technical details. I've seen many instructions on how to water as follows:
In winter water once a week, in summer water twice a week or as often as every 3 days. I've also seen water when the medium is dry throughout, meaning the bigger the plant the less often you water, and humidity matters.
The above is all valid useful information, that answers the question when to water the moth orchid. Failing to answer the question how do you water a Phalaenopsis orchid. I've also seen, fertilize often and lightly, every 4-5 waterings with water only and no fertilizer.
What I'm asking is the exact details, how do you get the water from the bucket, jug, container containing the water + fertilizer into the medium without killing the moth orchid.
I'm also asking where do you pour the water, I keep thinking orchids are tomato plants, and I want to pour right into the crown. How close to the crown should I pour? If I just pour on one outside edge, how will the other roots get water? Is it important for all the roots to get water, and should all the medium get moist?
What type of device should I use to get the water from the bucket/jug into the medium? Should I use a wide mouth jug? A siphon? A small watering can, with a narrow spout so I can aim the spout?
Approx. how much water should I pour for a 4 inch pot with a phal inside, how about a 6 inch diameter pot? How about alternative watering methods like
misting or soaking the pot within a bowl so the water is absorbed through the roots.
Am I being too picky/precise? I hate failures and I take comfort in knowing that I'm doing the right thing, and it isn't my fault if something goes wrong.

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