You got the epi from a friend. How was she growing it. Sounds like what you've done is great, but always try to copy success. If your friend had it in a south window, put it in a south window, etc. You know she was very successful with it.
I've had an epidendrum (Shangri-La's dark orange) for a few years. It grows like a weed... I keep in in spaghnum moss that is always damp. When I get a keiki it usually blooms, then once the bloom is done, I cut it off and put it into another pot of spaghnum moss and they just grow. They are easy if you ask me...I grow mine all under T5 lights and they seem to be happy.
I have a couple Epidendrums and I love the fact they are very straight forward and easy to grow. One of these Epidendrums is something of a ever-bloomer, which is nice to have around. AL