Are you growing it with an Alocasia and a bromeliad in the same pot?
I wouldn't grow something like an Alocasia in there with your Phal. If I'm not mistaken, Alocasias are terrestrial plants. They may carry with them some fungus in the roots. You don't want that fungus to spread to the Phal. Even though orchids in general have a symbiotic relationship with certain fungi, the fungi that might be in the Alocasia roots are probably not the same kind that orchids form a bond with.
Btw, your Alocasia's not doing too hot either, it's got chlorosis going on. Probably from over watering and/or root rot.
The bromeliad should ideally be grown separately too. It can have the same problem as I outlined with the Alocasia, but it also adds another problem to the mix...
Because you're growing so many plants in one pot, there is the need to put the plants in a larger pot. That larger pot may be causing problems for your Phal.
Everything I'm mentioning may be causing root rot.
Also, as a side note...
It makes it easier on people looking at your photo if it was rotated to it's proper position.