I would let the leaves be until they are on their last leg, but that is just me personally. When you do finally cut the leaves off, be sure to sterilize your cutting equipment first and then dust the cutting with cinnamon (the regular kind you buy for cooking at the grocery store). With your phal already weak, it is going to be even more prone to rots, molds, fungus' and bacteriums.
For sure, the softner in the water could have done that to your phal, but aware that bottled water sometimes is not any better for them. I believe there was thread on here somewhere about that. My suggestion would be to start using distilled water and adding a very weak amount of fertilizer to it every week or every other week. Likewise, use the DynaGro Pro-Tekt weakly weekly until it recovers. You really should investigate the roots as well and clean them up. Perhaps spray them with Listerine (plain) and then rinse them in water to help remove any bad things going on with them. You might want to consider soaking them in a rooting compound/water mixture for about an hour as well to help your plant promote more strong roots.
In regards to your sphag/moss usage, sometimes phal's don't appreciate going from a medium such as bark mixes to a sphag mix. For whatever reason switching mediums can be devestating to them. I don't know if this is what you did (either after a period of time in your home or from getting it out of the vendor's pot into your mix at home).
And one more small note about the use of sphag for phal's, it really depends upon your own personal and unique situation what works best. For some people the sphag does not work for various reasons, and for other people a bark mix such as the one RePotme.com sells works best. I personally have never had any success with sphag mixes, only bark mixes. Again, everyone's growing situation dictates a different variation and you will just have to experiment to find what works best for you and your environment.
Last edited by Paul Mc; 02-11-2011 at 06:46 PM..