A very in expensive way to make your orchid wire basket
i found in the internet i made one last night and it was a piece of cake

to make

so you can either google texas golf coast fern society and you can learn how to make a platycerium wire box or a wire box for orchid's it's alot of fun
Creating a basket
As shown by Bill Bartlett
Houston Orchid Society, Newcomer's Group
Here is the equipment you will need to build the 4x4x4 inch basket on the left:
# Pliers
# Snipers
# Lobster trap wire 1x1 inch mesh (pvc coated, galvanized welded wire).
# Four wire hanger
When you are finished you will want to line your basket with either:
# sphagnum moss
# coconut fiber
# some shade cloth cut to fit
Bill showing the shape of the wire to work with.
The wire is 16" x 4" and the piece that sticks out is 4" x 4".
This will be bent to make the basket shown above.
Cut every other wire.
The remaining protruding wires will be bent
to lock the basket in place.
Bend the wire into a box shape.
Bend the protruding wires to lock the basket in place.
Add spagnum moss, coconut fiber or shade cloth to line the basket.
Add the potting mediuim of your choice and a plant.
Attach a four wire hanger to the basket to produce
the finished box.
Photos Copyright 2008 Malcolm McCorquodale III.