I think the colour change generally depends on certain factors. Such as Light, Moisture, Mix and how clean everything is.
If you want your sphag to stay that light brown colour for longer, then it can't stay too wet for too long (for starters). Thus you would have to have a plant that likes similar conditions.
I have a couple of mixed pots with bark, coconut chips and sphag for my experimental Noid Dendrobiums. This has seemed to go a darker brown in places quite quickly. Though I presumed in one case that it was because the Bark/Coconut chips was not rinsed enough before use. In another pot because it had a rest. For the one with the rest the sphag had started to go green in places and then after (with the dry out) the green bits went a darker brown (the Algae dieing I presume).
Others, which are just Sphag such as Neo falcata on mount and a Sarracenia in glass (Trumpet Pitcher - predatory plant) just seem to go green over time.
I'm not too sure about the tone of Grey-Brown you mean but I think it is virtually impossible to keep the dry Sphag from changing colour once you start using it. There are things you can do to help like making sure pots and mounts etc. are properly clean before use, also the quality of the water you use may have an effect. But eventually with the addition of moisture and light the colour will change.
Generally Green is more often than not the colour I expect.
These are just my own observations
I too would also like to hear others experiences with Sphag.
(always eager to learn more!