Originally Posted by Cinderella
I had to go out this morning and by the time I got home, that whole shoot below it is turning brown/black. So I am guessing it is that pseudomonas that is quite contagious and is running fast. To top things off, I am a RN and when I read your post about Pseudomonas, I wanted to throw up.  It is a very serious infection as far as humans go. I also have 20+ orchids that I am cringing about that could be infected already. Some of them I have had for 10+ years. So I just dumped the one that had the bad shoots. I have never done this, but after seeing how fast this is going already, I'm not quite sure surgery would have worked and I needed to get it away from my other ones. I don't know if a person can pick it up from a plant, kind of sounds silly, but again, not taking chances.
Thank you all for all your suggestions. Thank you Eyebabe for the fast post and the link so I could see pictures. Stay tuned....I have another orchid that looks like something is going on. So I may need more help. Thanks again everyone!
p.s. This one that has the infection was bought online. It was my first one bought thru Ebay. 
Even if your decision was to throw it away...I would have still put on some gloves and got my razor out and found out the extent of the infection.
The information would be, imo, at least good for learning.
I am a physician and "pseudomonas" disturbs me as well.
So wear gloves, use physan and bleach to clean up.
Hey, at least it's not MRSA
I wanted to add a second note here as well.
It sounds like pseudomonas since it was traveling DOWN the stalk. This is less contagious than Pythium in my opinion.
Physan does not kill pseudomonas or pythium specifically. Nor will cinnamon. Physan is a generalized treatment and will kill Erwinia. It is also good for cleaning surfaces.
Phyton 27 is copper based and will kill Pseudomonas.
Pythium is a fungal infection and killed with Subdue Maxx. Subdue Maxx is very expensive but the high concentrate of one quart ($200) will last me a lifetime.
I have both of these chemicals on hand and have successfully treated both of these infections several times with a "survival" rate of 80% (about ten cattleya plants over 7 years with two or three losses). I also use Physan and cinnamon but I use them for general preventative maintenance of infection.
Now Phaleanopsis...that's another issue for me! When they get infections/rot even my chemicals fail me
...and finally Vina, you are welcome for the link