White vinegar in a spray bottle
cucumber peels
Anti ant plants - peppermint, spearmint, oregano, bay leaf, garlic, pennyroyal
or a combination of eucalyptus leaves(you can get at a flower shop) and whole cloves (supermarket spice section) or
a sprinkle of cinnamon or black pepper or red pepper flakes or cayenne
Mix orange or grapefruit juice, water and liquid soap together (equal parts) and spray the area.
Make a syrup of 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup water, 2 teaspoons borax. Cook until smooth and well blended. Let cool. Put in old jar lids where you see the ants coming in (near windows/doors). They bring it back to their nests .. it makes them very thristy and when they drink water they explode .. same effect happens with cornmeal
Ants won't step on or over powdered charcoal, bone meal, talcum powder or chalk..
Good luck