1. Find appropriately sized mount and keep in mind how large the plant gets as an adult sized plant.
2. Get some New Zealand Sphagnum Moss.
3. Soak the moss in water until saturated.
4. Apply a thin layer (only keep it 1 strand thick) to the mount.
5. Keep in mind the natural orientation of the Phal and plan the placement of the Phal on the mount accordingly.
- Phals don't grow upright. They grow horizontally off the tree with the leaf tips pointing downwards.
6. Grab the Phal you want to mount and place the roots over the moss and work a few strands of moss over certain sections of the roots.
7. While holding the Phal in place, use fishing line to wrap around the roots of the orchid and the mount.
- When wrapping the fishing line around the roots, don't cut off a piece of the fishing line from the spool. Keep the line on the spool until you are done!
8. Once the Phal is secured onto the mount, cut the fishing line from the spool, and proceed to tie the loose ends together.
You water the entire mount under the faucet, RO/DI spout, using a hose, or via spraying them with a spray bottle or spray canister. That's up to you.
You can place the dripping mount in the bathtub or sink until it stops dripping. You can also hang the mount on the lip of a bucket and wait until it finishes dripping. If you're growing in a greenhouse, this is irrelevant.
Depending on the Phal, you can get away with watering once every 2 days. Certain kinds demand that you water them everyday on mount.