I've been digging around and I see a lot of references to cinnamon. Do you mean cinnamon that you can buy at the grocery store? Like the powder? Or a stick?
Regular cinnamon powder does the trick
It's been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. When your 'chid has a cut or damage, the cinnamon will seal it so that no infections can get into the plant.
A friend (another snowbird) gave me a Phal that had horrible crown rot to the point it smelled and had insects crawling around in the center. I isolated it away from my other chids...cleaned up the rot and dumped cinnamon on the center...it healed and it is now one of my best bloomers.
I recently read that they key is to lightly sprinkle it on the cuts, if to much is used it could actually inhibit root growth. I also read not to apply it to uncut healthy roots as it could cause the same problem. Is this true? When ever I preform surgery on my orchids root systems, I alway give a good sprinkle on all roots since it is hard to just isolate where it goes. I hope it won't cause any problems!