I actually don't mist any of my orchids other than the ones that are known to grow in cloud/rain forests such as cool growing porroglossums and scaphosepalums. My understanding is that if the water gets into the folds of the leafs it might harm them. But I may be way off base on that one. Phal's I know are not forgiving of this.
My Sharry Baby has just started to open some of its blooms(80 on first spike) I also have a second spike(no buds yet). My chids are on a small flood and drain hydroponic system which is watered/fertilized once a day. It's in perlite and I've had it about 18 months purchased as blooming size. Can't wait for the scent of chocolate its so famous for. I'm under a 150w high pressure sodium.
How do the plants stay in place in perlite? It is such a light medium, I would think that the plants would tople over! I would love to have a set up like yours.