Stopped at the Estero farmers market today. This phael caught my eye. I asked the vendor whether it was painted or dyed? He replied that it was technically neither, but the result of a new patented Dutch process. He said they inject a silver solution into the orchid. It is supposed to rebloom at least three times as a blue orchid and will then fade to white each bloom after. He also said vendors were sworn to secrecy until yesterday, when it was intorduced at the Ft Lauderdale show (where they apparently had a huge display).
What do you think?
Does this fall into the category of:
"If it's too good to be true, it probably is"
"There's a sucker born every minute"
"A fool and his money......"
"That's a freak of nature and a monstrosity"
or "Boy, that's cool and different"
I haven't really decided yet, even though I had to buy it.