It's difficult to make a diagnosis as to what it most likely is due to insufficient information regarding your cultural environment and cultural practices.
You simply didn't even mention it.
It's hard for anyone to recommend a remedy to the situation if no one knows what needs adjusting.
Taking care of the blemish itself is like slapping on a band-aid. It's good for a short while, until the problem recurs.
Taking care of what caused the blemish is the real cure.
(If any of this makes any sense.)
My point:
Please post cultural details, it makes solving the problem easier.
Here's a good way to start:
1. Temperatures (posting in F or C doesn't matter - most of the world uses Celsius, but the US mostly uses F, unless they're scientists; conversion tables and online converters can do the job).
* Day.
* Night.
* Seasonal.
2. Humidity (aka relative humidity - RH). The numerical value is a percentage.
3. Lighting. Quantifiable and numerical values can be given, but not necessary. Descriptions to the best of your ability can work.
4. Pot size. (Here's where a pic does wonders, because it shows pot size in relation to root mass. This is critical with orchid growing.)
5. Air circulation. Not quantifiable, I know, but kind of guesstimate and just use words like:
1. Low air circulation.
2. Moderate air circulation.
3. High air circulation.
4. Gusts of high winds (jk).
Describe air circulation to the best of your ability.
Even a general idea of where you are located can help a bit. Some people in those areas could be more effective at further helping you out, because they know the climate of the area like you do. I know privacy can be an issue on the web, but nobody asked you for your address either. A city, county, or district, along with the state you're in is good enough.
Or at least post the USDA zone. That's not private information.