Between 1 and 2 months ago, my mom bought me a lovely phalaenopsis. Yay, my first orchid! Within a few days, the 8 flowers and 3 buds shriveled and fell off (bud blast?). The stem began to turn brown and wrinkly so after some online searching I cut most of it off (I left around 3/4 of an inch...too little? too much?). The leaves continued to look and feel healthy so I assumed the plant was fine, and that it just lost it's flowers due to the environment change.
I've constantly made sure the soil the plant is in is not past moist, and let it nearly dry out before adding a small amount of water again. It's been cloudy lately, but when it was sunnier here, the orchid got lots of indirect sunlight.
I was pretty sure about my orchid care until about a week ago, when the orchid lost a completely healthy-looking leaf. I figured it's a plant, it's going to lose leaves at some point and won't always be in bloom. But today it lost it's second leaf, leaving only one leaf on the entire plant. Both leaves it lost were the lowest of the three leaves and the remaining leaf looks totally fine, but my lovely orchid has been reduced to one lovely leaf. XD
So now that I've written a novel, here are my questions. Does it sound like I've been taking proper care of my orchid or have I inherited my mom's black thumb? Is there anything I should do differently? Does it sound like my orchid is normal and I'm just paranoid?
And if my orchid is fine and I'm not about to kill it, what would you recommend I do so that it grows a new stem and leaves when it is ready?
Thanks for your help!