I noticed the rotting pseudobulb(s). When this happens, it's best to separate the non-affected plants from the affected ones.
It is also best to remove the infected pseudobulb(s) asap.
However, since the roots are nearly gone, I'd chuck this up to experience.
As far as lighting is concerned, you may need to buy a small power compact or halide lamp from a tropical aquarium store.
Or if you, or your boyfriend, or friend, or one of your roommates, or husband is a do-it-yourselfer, go to the Home Depot and make your own power compact florescent light fixture.
Just buy a PC bulb that is made for growing aquatic plants. This is very involved, so when you're ready, just post a thread and ask away.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 01-13-2011 at 07:40 PM..