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Old 12-30-2010, 01:03 AM
sarahlydear sarahlydear is offline
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Help! WalMart Orchid and I have NO idea
Question Help! WalMart Orchid and I have NO idea

So I went into WalMart planning on getting some fleece for my chinchillas and saw this poor, beautiful orchid on sale that was dying and falling apart. So of course I had to take it home, now the question:
It is called a Just Add Ice Orchid and they have a site to "help" you grow them, but I've had bad luck with WalMart grow tips. I read on a forum that they were of the Orchidaceae Phalaenopsis amabilis family and I'm wondering does the "just add ice" part make them special or can I start taking care of it as I have read for that specific species?
So far I have removed the dead flowers, taken the plastic off and let her spread her leaves and dusted her(paper towel and water) I'm not very good with plants so I'm a bit hesitant to do anything else, but even I can tell she needs to be repotted very badly.
This may seem silly but I really don't want to kill her, and I'm very talented at killing plants, so I'm double checking, with my luck it could be some drastic breed or something .
Thanks for being patient and for any advice!
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Old 12-30-2010, 01:24 AM
BobInBonita BobInBonita is offline
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Never had a "Just Add Ice" orchid myself, but from other posts they seem to be standard phaelenopsis orchids. The media is supposed to be blended to retain water so that one ice cube will give it enough water, without over-watering. Over-watering is probably the biggest cause of orchid death.

The biggest decision on when to repot isn't roots growing out of the pot - that's what many orchids do - they're epiphytes or air plants. The condition of the media especially in relation to how you will take care of it, is the deciding factor. When medium retains too much moisture for your watering habits, you have problems. As the medium gets older, it breaks down and retains more water.

If you're up to it - pull it out of the plastic container and look at the media. If it's firm and doesn't have an off odor, you're probably ok for now. Wait until spring when you have new growth starting before repotting.
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Old 12-30-2010, 09:30 AM
Smitha Smitha is offline

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I have a phal which came from "just add ice" which is growing in bark...I water it the normal way by showing it under running water once in 5-6 days & fertilize it on a weekly weakly basis.The phal is luking very happy & is flowering since the day I bought it(Aug '10)....I just follwed the expert advice in this forum & did not add ice acc to the instructions on the tag.......As far as repotting is concerned I would wait until spring and let the plant adjust to the new environment...
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Old 12-30-2010, 10:23 AM
Daethen Daethen is offline
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Help! WalMart Orchid and I have NO idea Female

Just add ice is a gimic. It is just a phal. I have 4 of them. They like to be pot bound. Make sure you don't just pour water into the outer decorative pot that has no holes. They do not like to sit in water. If you can see the roots through the plastic pot, how do they look? Are the leaves firm? You will do just fine with her, just ask when you have a question and the wonderful folks here will be glad to answer. There are no stupid questions except the ones that go unasked.
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Old 12-30-2010, 12:31 PM
sarahlydear sarahlydear is offline
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Help! WalMart Orchid and I have NO idea

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Old 12-30-2010, 12:43 PM
sarahlydear sarahlydear is offline
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Help! WalMart Orchid and I have NO idea

I'm not really sure how to get pics on here but if that doesn't work I'll just give you my facebook.
Smitha what kind of fetilizer do you have? I was planning on going to Orchland's today to look at diffrent types but, with animals at least, I know not all the products are what is best for the living organism; no matter how good they read, any suggestions?
Also I'm wondering about enviroment: it's winter here and not very humid. We have a humidifier, but the window I want to put her in is a good distance away. I read that they like it humid, but the parentals aren't willing to do to many more enviroment adjustments for brought in's, can I help her any more?
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Old 12-30-2010, 12:58 PM
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Hi, "sarahlydear".

"Daethen" is correct - "Just Add Ice" is a gimmick. It's used to appeal to people who would otherwise shy away from growing an orchid because, "They're too difficult to grow."

I think the only people who can really get away with "just adding ice" are those from consistently warm climates, because then the ice would have melted very quickly and the cold water will become luke warm within a very short period of time, compared to those from more temperate regions. Even so, I don't recommend this practice - especially for novices. It has the potential to breed laziness (trust me, nobody needs any more help in this department - me included ), and I don't think it really helps the grower understand their orchids.

"BobInBonita's" thoughts on repotting are good, as far as repotting when the potting media is going bad. However, I personally like to repot when the roots start to get out of the pot too much as well.

Yes, your orchid is a Phalaenopsis. It is most likely a hybrid with Phal amabilis in the bloodline.

Phal amabilis originally comes from tropical Southeast Asian jungles.

Most Phal species and Phal hybrids are generally also, what is considered in the horticultural world, as perennial evergreens. In other words, they live for a long time and they don't go partially or fully deciduous. They only drop very old leaves, (from the bottom going up - not the other way around).

General requirements are:

Growth type: Epiphyte (grows on the surfaces of trees). Phals generally are not terrestrial plants.

Temperature: Intermediate to warm (60 F to 95 F). Night and Day, as well as seasonal temperatures must always fall between this range.

Lighting: Shade to bright shade. Like under a tree canopy in a dense jungle.

Humidity: 60% to 80%. Remember, they originate from tropical Southeast Asia, where the countries are mostly island countries. Then on top of that, they're residents of lush jungles. On top of that, some of them grow in a swamp-type environment.

Some special notes:

1. Phals can be coerced to bloom in a number of ways, out of season. The general blooming season for most Phals is sometime in spring.

This is of special note only to answer questions in regards to when the grower should expect them to bloom.

This information is not for people to go about coercing their Phals to bloom out of season whenever they want, until their plant is so taxed out of energy, that they eventually decline in health and die.

2. There is not a whole lot of difference between aerial roots and roots that grow in the pot. The only real difference is how the roots that are growing outside of the pot have grown cells on the root tips that are more accustomed to a more arid environment in relation to the more humid or moist environment of being inside a pot.

There is a botany term you must be acquainted with in order to understand the differences in "aerial" vs. "pot" roots. That term is - plasticity. Plants are highly plastic in terms of adaptability to their growing environments, the caveat being that it can only adapt within a certain range of tolerance for the plant. Plasticity is not only the way that plants adapt, but it is also how they've been able to survive unpredictable weather within their general climates, in their area of origin.

3. Most epiphytical orchid roots are capable of photosynthesis to one degree or another, hence their green coloration.

In the case of epiphytical orchids, the roots are not just for nutrient intake from the outside environment, and for water uptake, but it is also a starch storage organ, an anchoring system, as well as a mini-food factory (much like the leaves are - and in fact, can sometimes take over the function of the leaves in photosynthesis should the plant lose all its leaves with certain kinds of orchids under certain circumstances).

4. While I realize that you own a man-made hybrid that is usually mass produced in large orchid farms (usually in places such as Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, and Singapore - some survivors in the US still mass produce Phals, but it's rare nowadays due to competing costs), it is not recommended to breed an attitude of complete recklessness and disregard for your orchid. There will be plenty of room for mistakes (which is okay), and other miscellaneous issues.

The reason that this gets honorable mention, is that it is a reality that orchids are getting more and more difficult to trade around the world. Don't take what you have for granted, as much as you possibly can. When you know how to grow a rare orchid, that other people are struggling with, I encourage you (and others) to think about the plants and their availability in the US hobby (or the trade in their respective countries). The more selfish people are, the less likely that plant (man-made hybrid or species) will be in circulation in the US orchid trade (or the trade in their respective countries). There will always be a number of reasons that are unforeseen, that a plant in the hobby can easily go "extinct" in the trade - not just in the wild.

5. It is recommended to start to learn how to research the countries of origin your orchids come from, as a beginner. Over time, when you start to progress in experience in the hobby and start growing more difficult to grow orchids, I feel that this will help out tremendously in your efforts.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 12-30-2010 at 09:05 PM..
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Old 12-30-2010, 01:18 PM
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Here's a link to a short video about how and where Phals grow in the wild (generally speaking).

Video: Phalaenopsis in situ | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 12-30-2010 at 01:30 PM..
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Old 12-30-2010, 01:22 PM
Call_Me_Bob Call_Me_Bob is offline
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Help! WalMart Orchid and I have NO idea Male

welcome to the board and to the obsession. your hooked now

this article may interested you. A Quick guide to Phalaenopsis - Orchid Board
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Old 12-30-2010, 01:32 PM
sarahlydear sarahlydear is offline
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Help! WalMart Orchid and I have NO idea

so I got the pics loaded on to my CP I guess its called heres the link:
How does she look?
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add, grow, ice, orchid, walmart, idea

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