as long as it is only where it was cut, just leave it there and dont worry about it.
I actually didn't cut anything. A few of the leaves on one of my cattleya has some blackened areas. As a precaution, I thought I could dust the black areas with the Cinnamon in case it was that fungal/bacterial things that happen some time. Maybe I misunderstood the use of this?
i think its more used for an open cut, you could pin prick the area and them cinnamon it. i do this but with fungicide if i think a spot could be infectious. You need to break the surface more than put it on the top.
Cinnamon is a great topical fungicide and mild bactericide. If you see blackened areas, that means the infection is internal, so the external application will be of little-to-no value.
In such cases, I cut away all traces of the blackened tissue, the coat the wound with cinnamon to dry it out and prevent adventitious infection.
Alternatively, you may use a systemic fungicide or bactericide.
How long is someone suppose to keep Cinnamon on a Cattleya orchid leaf for fungal/bacteria help? Thank you.
Ok, just took some pictures of what this thing looks like. I am beginning to think there is more than one thing going on, now that I look close. Please help with letting me know what all these symptoms are and how do I fix it. Thank you!