Thanks, everyone! I thought the Medio would do well in the Dart Frog viv. There is supposed to be constant humidity in there, but it did get a little drier in there than I would have preferred. It did not get misted, however, perhaps that was the problem. The frogs are still alive, so it couldn't have gotten THAT dry in there.
I still have the tree fern panel in there, hoping it might come back or something (hey, I've had stranger things happen!)
I'm excited about the Max. I think it's going to bloom and it's forming some new bulbs under where the inflorescences will be. Seems they like the new potting mix.
I thought the orchids would be so very hard to grow, but some are doing okay under my care.

Not counting poor choices of Lowe's Rescues, I've only killed one of 4, and I'm hoping that one becomes a zombie orchid, back from the dead.
I'll try decorata if I choose a plant like that again. I'm making a new dart frog viv, and would like to try more jewels in there, and maybe something like a medio again. I'm reluctant to spend anoter $24 on something that I can't keep alive, though!
Thanks again for the kind words and great suggestions! Good luck on your Max, Rosie!