I bought a paph this year to see if I could have any success with it. I sat it on a east windowsill next to a Ludiscia Discolor (which is almost in bloom for the second year in a row). I have posted my pic's before and was told that it looked like the paph had encountered some dryness so I have increased watering since that time (sorry, these pics are about a month or so old).
My paph is a Wizardy x Nedra Coyner, and I understand that it should at least have the start of a bloom spike somewhere on it. When I bought it there were two bloom spikes and it has grown a new growth this year. I am concerned because I have not seen any bloom spikes at this point which is clueing me into the possibility that I may not be doing something correct for this little fella - and I would really like to make him happy!
It has a humidity tray that I keep full at all times, and I have increased my watering to 2 times a week. The medium it came in seemed to be the correct medium from what I read which appears to be a mixture of some sort of rocks. I put sphag moss on the sides of the container so the rocks would not fall out.
Is it possible that the dryness this year made it not bloom?
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated - especially as I'm considering buying another one. I would like to know that I can be successful with paph's before I purchase more - I can't believe I'm saying that, lol...