Hi everyone, i'm coming to this thread a bit late I know, but thought I'd chime in as it's not the first time I've seen this:
Shortly after I started dating my other-half (about three years ago), we went round to his parents where I discovered his mum also grew Phals. I told her about my collection and she then took me round to see hers - they were
all in glass vases (big and small). To be honest, I was horrified

having been brought up on the 'good drainage' way of thinking. To be honest, they did look a bit listless (compared to mine, which some of you will have seen on here) but they were all regularly flowering for her and some she'd kept like that for a good 5 years at that point in time! (oh, and she wasn't using fertiliser either)
They were all bought from a florist, so that gives you the idea that it was presentation style over anything else. Over the last three years I know she has changed some of the bark in them, but they're still there in the glass vases and flowering and growing keikis like any other phals!
Mind you, since
I've bought her some, she's coming over to the more traditional growing methods. Maybe because the ones that I have given her (with normal draining clear pots) do look more healty in terms of leaf structure. However, next time I'm over there, I'll see if I can snap some pictures for you all to see