New phal spike so soon after blooms dropped?
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New phal spike so soon after blooms dropped?
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Old 11-26-2010, 04:47 PM
bday_phal bday_phal is offline
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New phal spike so soon after blooms dropped?
Default New phal spike so soon after blooms dropped?

I bought this Phal from a garden center of local home improvement store. I had eyed it previously, then it was marked down to half price so it had to come home with me.

The garden center lady told me the blooms had another 2 weeks or so.... They did. This being my first seemingly healthy Phal- I am very invested in her activity (first one ever- a birthday gift- was watered beyond wet before I ever got it, and though still green is slowly dying from no viable roots , imo.)

Back to this girl- so I read that new root growth often occurs after flower drop. I cut the spike back between lower nodes and saw what I thought was root growth. Then realized it is a new spike already ! as well as some new root growth. (both pictured)

Question-- is this usual? for a new spike to spring up so soon? I assumed a period of 'rest' and re-spiking down the road, so I wanted to have your thoughts on this.

I'm not thrilled as the medium is not bark but sphagnum?
and I can only assume the health of this plant (please lawd !) from what little I can peek at from the surface.

If this spike proves sound and continues into bloom- which fertilizer is better. I have "regular" 20-14-13 and a "bloom boost" 11-35-15. These are the only two that were available. They are AOS endorsed and basically says use the bloom boost every 4th watering.

So is that once blooms show up, all year round, only when in spike/flourescence? (sp) or just every single 4th time?

thanks so much for your time and reply.
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Old 11-26-2010, 04:54 PM
Claire25 Claire25 is offline
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New phal spike so soon after blooms dropped? Female

From what I can see, the plant looks very healthy (and in the second pic, all three visible roots look good). You will only know for sure, however, if you decant it from its container to check out what's going on below the surface. This will not be very traumatic for the plant, and it's necessary for both your peace of mind and the future health of your Phal.

Don't assume that sphagnum is a bad potting medium. It's actually great for Phals...which is why so many commercial growers use it (and lots of hobbyists, too!) Just be sure to avoid having it stay sopping wet (staying a little on the moist side between waterings is fine).

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Old 11-26-2010, 05:04 PM
Claire25 Claire25 is offline
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New phal spike so soon after blooms dropped? Female

By the way, what's it potted in? Make sure that it is in a container with drainage holes (this may seem like a no-brainer, but I've seen lots of Phals sold in glass cubes or cachepots with no way for water to drain. This is the quickest way to kill a Phal, regardless of the medium it's in).

The fact that your Phal is sending up a new spike so soon is probably proof that it's a very healthy, well-grown plant (but again, til you check the roots, you won't know for sure). I'm not sure I understand your last question, but as far as "resting periods" go, they're different for each plant. Some Phals bloom once a year, and many hybrids bloom a couple times per year. Others keep producing blooms all year long with almost no "break." It all depends on the nature of the hybrid or species that it is.

Either fertilizer should work fine. I have never noticed any difference between "regular" vs "bloom boost" types, probably because my plants are just lucky that they get fertilized on a regular basis at all.
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Old 11-26-2010, 05:20 PM
bday_phal bday_phal is offline
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New phal spike so soon after blooms dropped?

thanks for the advise and comments. This Phal (my #2) is in a plastic inner container with drainage slots and that came housed in a clay outer pot with a drainage hole it it's bottom. The plastic fits in tightly and it's size is big enough that i wouldn't dream of repotting.
Bark is so often mentioned and my other plant that is in bark is just easier to see a little more of what's going on.
If I get a repeat of the blooms in the picture I posted I will feel quite victorious indeed !

Thanks very much for having a look here.

Yes, I thought that there was a sort of spike dormancy and blooms might come a few times a year but as you mentioned each is a bit different.
Make no mistake- I'm thrilled !
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Old 11-26-2010, 05:32 PM
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Congrats on the new spike! While most orchids do take a rest before growing a new spike, sometimes they don't, and some phals do that more often than most. It had the energy to do it, so it did it.

As for the fertilizers, I never use bloom boosters and fertilize year round with a somewhat balanced fertilizer. As for the instructions on the bottle, I think it's year round.
One misconception about bloom boosters is that it's to be used during blooming. In my horticulture courses in college, high phosphorus (P) ferts are applied to help induce blooming, and have more blooms. It's also though that it's not so much the increased P which helps blooming, but decreasing the amount of nitrogen in relation to the other elements. Plants don't actually need all that much P.

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Old 11-26-2010, 06:37 PM
Hedge Hedge is offline
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My most vigorous Phal is never without spike (despite all attempts to give it a rest!) yet others only flower once a year, usually after the winter chill causes spiking. All my phals are supermarket/shed Noids, so I have no idea what their parentage is, but I am sure someone on here will have some idea which species ones constantly flower, and which ones are shyer bloomers?
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Old 11-26-2010, 06:42 PM
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I have one that keeps extending its older spikes with more blooms, all the while growing new spikes. Last I counted it's up to 6 blooming spikes (only a few blooms on each, so not so spectacular). It will have been in continuous bloom or bud for 2 years as of next week.

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Old 11-27-2010, 09:18 AM
Paul Mc Paul Mc is offline
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New phal spike so soon after blooms dropped? Male

The answer to your spiking question depends upon what type of phal it is. Some phal's you are asked to not cut the flower stalk until it has completely dried as they will rebloom off the old. I have a few that have dropped all their flowers, only to start new spikes off the old. Others, the spikes completely die back and the new spikes come off of the plant itself. It really just depends, and since yours is a NOID, it may be best to just leave the spikes on until they die on their own. This also decreases the chance of infection in the newly cut area.

In regards to your fertilizer question, each orchid is different again but the general rule of thumb is weekly weakly. Dilute the formula to about 1/4th it's recommended dosage each weak. I understand that Bloom booster should be used when you first notice the inflorescent roots (new growth) until the flowers are about spent. That being said, I must confess that I'm the world's worst when it comes to fertilizing - I typically don't use any except for bloom booster when I see inflorescents starting. So perhaps someone else might be better at advising you in regards to the use of fertilizers. This information is only what I've read so take it with a grain of salt.
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blooms, dropped, feeding, new growth, phal, root, spike

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