repotted in LECA...failing fast
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:46 PM
jenilee jenilee is offline

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repotted in LECA...failing fast

Originally Posted by jenilee View Post
You guys are great!

As far as the LECA, I'm not sure what technique I'm using so I'll explain what the instructions had me do. (the starter kit came from It has two pots, an exterior and interior pot. The interior one has slits going up the sides, probably an inch or so long, holes in the bottom, and this dome shaped recess up into it at the bottom. I only used the LECA pebbles when I repotted. The pots also came with a watering gauge, and to get it to show minimum I have to have an inch or so of water standing in the outer pot (which makes me nervous because everyone says not to let it stand in water). Does this match one of those techniques? or am I doing it completely wrong?

As for the are a couple pictures of him ....and the two leaves I pulled off
So the blooms are starting to fall off my Dendrobium....what do I do then? Does it get cut back like a Phal?

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Old 11-30-2010, 09:48 PM
jenilee jenilee is offline

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repotted in LECA...failing fast

How do I know when it's growing new roots? Will I be able to see them right away?
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:50 PM
jenilee jenilee is offline

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repotted in LECA...failing fast

Originally Posted by RosieC View Post
As Terri has said the method is a variatiant of S/H, or rather perhaps S/H is a variant of this hydroponic technique.

While usually you would not leave water standing in the bottom with ordinary methods, with S/H that's exactly what you do.

Also has Terri has said, the timning of transfer from standard potting medium to S/H is key because it is expected that you will get root death during the transfer, and you need to time it to be when new roots are starting to grow so they replace the dying ones.

This could be where yours are struggling, especially if you had to cut off most of the roots anyway.

Something like a heat mat may help and/or keeping them in a warm spot. This can encourage them into a growth phase. Not the best time of year for that unfortunately which is where a heat mat may come in.
Any special heat pad? Or is one for a chair or bed ok? I'm assuming very low heat? All day?
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:58 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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You can get ones which are used as seedling mats. They are best as they are designed for use with plants.

I'm not sure where you get them in the USA, except I think Ray stocks them.
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Old 09-05-2018, 02:32 PM
orchidphile orchidphile is offline

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repotted in LECA...failing fast Female

Sorry you're having trouble.I'm new to semihydroponics, but my entire collection of over 70 orchids is doing extremely well since I converted it in March.

Here are some possible reasons why people fail with semihydro: 1) They're not doing true semihydro. In semihydro, there is a pot with a reservoir and no hole in the bottom. The reservoir is never allowed to empty completely. If you are letting your plants dry out or using a regular pot in a saucer of water, this is not semihydro. 2) They're using too tall a container. If the orchid has only a few short roots, use a short container so enough water can wick from the reservoir to the roots. 3) They're using organic food. Clay pellets don't contain the microorganisms needed to break down organic foods so the orchids can use them. 4) The pH of the water is off. Orchids can't use food if the pH of the solution is off by too much, and there can be other problems with tap water. It's worth trying rain water or other pure water, but be sure to use a complete food if you do.

I'm no expert, but my results have been spectacular in both cool and warm conditions. Don't give up on semihydro, because once you get the hang of it, it can make your life SO much easier, with better results as well.
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