update to "crown rot victim, basal keikis?"
I just posted a past thread update, but I'm beginning to wonder if I didn't update correctly....or did I? If not, would someone please point me in the right direction to do this?
Here is my update post:
Since your advice concerning basal keikis on my phal with crown rot (my inital post below), I just discovered a new issue with the plant(s) this morn. As I was inspecting the keikes, I noticed some raised bump/wort areas on the leaves.....both underneath and top surface, as well. Even the Mother plant has them but I could only see 3 bumps under one her 2 old leaves. The bumps were raised and hard and would not come off without removing that portion of the leaf. In one of my pictures, you may be able to see a bump that I scratched with my fingernail on the edge of a keiki leaf. I have had scale problems in the past, and none of these areas are them.
I would appreciate it if you would give me your opinion of these and also advise me.
Here is my orginal thread post:
Unfortunately, I've now had my first experience with a crown rotted Phal. I wasn't sure that it was going to survive, but it has developed 2 basal keikis. Since this has not happened to me before, I don't know what to expect. Am I correct in thinking that the mother plant will eventually die and then the keikis will take over and grow on the same root system, as they are growing now? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Are two basal keikis growing from the mother plant common? Is there anything I should do or simply let them continue to grow both in one pot? I would appreciate your advice.