not stake Phal spike?
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Old 11-18-2010, 08:15 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default WhiteRabbit

I've never thought about certain phals needing staking help wheras some don't. As I've said in the past about other things, this is one more note that I'll add to my new growers list of things to keep in mind.

I grow a few orchids inside but most of them are in my greenhouse. The ones that are spiking are out there, so I don't have the issue of needing more room inside for spikes. I would enjoy growing more orchids in my home, but unfortunately that's just not feasible for me. I don't have but 2 windows inside that emit a fairly good amount of light to my plants and that amount is not as much as I would like - so I'm not expecting to see spiking indoors (but who knows....I may get lucky ??)

Your oncidiums are very pretty, so obviously, you are growing your orchids well.
Thanks for your help,

Originally Posted by WhiteRabbit View Post
I don't know if the spike would be likely to snap, tho it will bow with weight of blooms. I frequently don't stake spikes on various types of orchids. I have a couple phals now (no id, both the same) with multiple spikes, none staked, however these both grow upright spikes, small blooms, sequential bloomer, so the don't bow, but do grow towards the window, and even with constant turning of the pot it is now impossible to fit the plant on the windowsill - so that's one drawback to not staking.

Unstaked, the spike can take up a lot of space, and make the plant difficult to handle for watering and such.

I happen to like the natural unstaked look, but it's frequently impractical.

Attaching pix of unstaked Onc Sharry Baby spike - I know your question is regarding Phals, but demonstrates the same - spike heavily bowed from blooms - I love the look, but makes it hard to find space for it

first photo is just as buds began to open, spike still fairly upright
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Old 11-18-2010, 08:17 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default help

Thanks again for your advice, Bob.

Originally Posted by help View Post
For a phal. If you stake it just below the last bloom, it should have some bow. From the blooms yet be upright as well
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Old 11-18-2010, 08:22 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default BobInBonita

Thanks for your reply!

I like your idea of clipping spikes in baskets to the wires.....thanks for the tip.


Originally Posted by BobInBonita View Post
Most of my orchids (including phals) grow outdoors in slat baskets. I like the bowed natural look, but will occasionally clip a spike to the wires that hang the basket - just for the esthetics of that plant.

I have rarely had a spike broken and just blame it on the birds. Don't know if they ever spontaneously crack.

It does take more space than upright, but I think you should do what pleases your eye.
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Old 11-18-2010, 08:43 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default RosieC

Hi Rosie!
All that you have mentioned is certainly very good things for me to keep in mind....thank you. Of course, I certainly hope that I don't experience a spike catastrophy so I plan to follow your practices (as well as those of other members who have given advice to me) and maybe that won't happen. I know that will lessen my fatality possibilty.

As a side note...I have read several thread replies by you and am always impressed by your growing knowledge.

Thanks for your help,

Originally Posted by RosieC View Post
I stake some and not others. Just been round tonight in fact staking some growing ones, but I left others.

I stake those which look like they may lean over so much that the plant is pulled sideways and either the spike not support it's own weight or the plant become unstable. If the spike is growing upright and looks like it can support it's self then I leave it to grow more naturally.
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Old 11-18-2010, 08:54 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Originally Posted by VickiC View Post
Hi Rosie!
All that you have mentioned is certainly very good things for me to keep in mind....thank you. Of course, I certainly hope that I don't experience a spike catastrophy so I plan to follow your practices (as well as those of other members who have given advice to me) and maybe that won't happen. I know that will lessen my fatality possibilty.

As a side note...I have read several thread replies by you and am always impressed by your growing knowledge.

Thanks for your help,
I too have had the issue of the plant wanting to tip over with an unstaked spike - in that case I found a ceramic pot to set it in, but for subsequent bloomings I staked the spikes lol
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Old 11-18-2010, 09:07 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Originally Posted by VickiC View Post
I've never thought about certain phals needing staking help wheras some don't. As I've said in the past about other things, this is one more note that I'll add to my new growers list of things to keep in mind.

I grow a few orchids inside but most of them are in my greenhouse. The ones that are spiking are out there, so I don't have the issue of needing more room inside for spikes. I would enjoy growing more orchids in my home, but unfortunately that's just not feasible for me. I don't have but 2 windows inside that emit a fairly good amount of light to my plants and that amount is not as much as I would like - so I'm not expecting to see spiking indoors (but who knows....I may get lucky ??)

Your oncidiums are very pretty, so obviously, you are growing your orchids well.
Thanks for your help,
aw thanks - some of my orchids do better than others ...
I don't know how much light your windows get, but I have a number of orchids that do well on windowsills (many Oncidium alliance, latouria Dens, Phal, Paph. higher light plants are outside in warm weather months, but then do well in a south facing window from mid-fall thru mid-spring)
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Old 11-18-2010, 10:27 PM
Shirley Shirley is offline
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[QUOTE=WhiteRabbit;360474]Unstaked, the spike can take up a lot of space, and make the plant difficult to handle for watering and such.


Being somewhat limited in space, I totally agree with the above remark. Also I personally like the way the blooms display when the upright stake is attached just below the lowest bloom. However some phal spikes tend to grow horizontally and would probably snap if you tried to pull them upright -- those I leave alone. Each blooming can be different from the one before so one has to play it by ear, and each to his own taste of course!

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Old 11-18-2010, 10:52 PM
Call_Me_Bob Call_Me_Bob is offline
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not stake Phal spike? Male

Being somewhat limited in space, I totally agree with the above remark. Also I personally like the way the blooms display when the upright stake is attached just below the lowest bloom. However some phal spikes tend to grow horizontally and would probably snap if you tried to pull them upright -- those I leave alone. Each blooming can be different from the one before so one has to play it by ear, and each to his own taste of course!


If you are sure you want to have the spike staked up before it matures, you can stake it while the spike is developing and not hardened yet. But one must be delicate
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Old 11-18-2010, 11:14 PM
VickiC VickiC is offline
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Default Shirley

Thanks for you reply and help, Shirley!

Originally Posted by WhiteRabbit View Post
Unstaked, the spike can take up a lot of space, and make the plant difficult to handle for watering and such.


Being somewhat limited in space, I totally agree with the above remark. Also I personally like the way the blooms display when the upright stake is attached just below the lowest bloom. However some phal spikes tend to grow horizontally and would probably snap if you tried to pull them upright -- those I leave alone. Each blooming can be different from the one before so one has to play it by ear, and each to his own taste of course!

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Old 11-19-2010, 12:48 AM
Call_Me_Bob Call_Me_Bob is offline
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not stake Phal spike? Male

No problem!! Be sure to post some pics when they bloom
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