I purchased a Dendrobium aggregatum (or more properly, lindleyi) and it came in the mail today. Good news is I have an aggregatum, which I've always wanted.

Bad news is it doesn't look so good.

There are about 10 pbulbs, but they are very shriveled and the mix it was potted in (medium bark and perlite) was VERY dry. I soaked it for 30 minutes while I prepared a pot for it, and noted that it doesn't have the greatest root system...I had to trim off quite a bit. I potted it up in a 3.5" plastic pot in fresh medium grade bark mixed with perlite, and placed a few styrofoam peanuts in the bottom for better drainage.
My question is: What do I do regarding watering? I know that now is usually the time to stop watering for the cool, dry winter rest. But since this orchid is so dehydrated, should I continue watering?
Any advice would be most appreciated! Thanks!