Guys -
If you look at the weather conditions in it's natural habitat in Thailand, you will see that the rainy season tapers off and just about all rain fall ends in Dec and stays that way thru March when the rain fall begins to increase. Along with the cessation of rain comes lower temps both during the day and night, with night time temps on average in the high 40's.
During the slope where rain is lessening and the temps are begining to fall there is still evening mist and morning dew. The plants are only really dry for a period of about 2 months (Jan - Feb). Then the reverse happens with the same slope up as the slope down.
So, what does all that mean to us? It means as the temps in your particular area starts to fall, you start reducing your watering until you get to the point where you are only
misting it and finally arrive at a point where you will not water the plant for a period of two months (unless there is dramatic shrinkage going on with the psuedobulbs, then and onlt then are you to mist the plant) after the two month dry period, you begin the process in reverse,
misting, ligthly watering and finally fully watering and fertilizing when the new flower spikes are about an inch long.
Don't forget that the plant will also need brighter growing conditions during the winter rest and slightly reduced light as the sun gets stronger in the spring and summer.

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