Favorite Encyclias?
Hi there,
I have an Encyclia cordigera that's about to kick the bucket due to what I gather is an inability to recover from some chronic underwatering on my part. It's odd...as far as I can tell I've been giving it similar care to what my other Encyclias are getting (once I realized my mistake), but it REALLY has not liked my conditions. I'd really like to replace this orchid with something that I can continue to "practice" my Encyclia-growing skills on...so far I've had a lot of success with E. bractescens, E. Cindy, and E. phoenicea...in particular the E. Cindy I purchased as a seedling 3 years ago looks like a small bush now, and I expect it to flower for the first time this spring...so does anyone have a favorite species that might grow well for me (on windowsills in winter, outside in summer) that they can suggest? I would try again with E. cordigera, but I have really been perplexed by how determined this one has been to refuse to recover...
P.S. E. Cindy is tampense x alata, by the way. Wonder if one of those two would do well for me?
Last edited by Claire25; 11-15-2010 at 01:16 PM..