Today my Fattailed gecko jazz "helped" me repot a few orchids,who helps you repot,water,ect. your cat,your bird,lizard. Just tryin to put together a list of "little helpers".
Last edited by Cyplover; 11-14-2010 at 09:26 PM..
Reason: Forgot something
hehe - well my dog was always my helper with everything - had to make sure I did it right - now that she's gone, my cat supervises indoor watering. Tho he "helps" by asking to be picked up so he can see whats happening lol
And when he knows I am outside watering he scratches and meows behind the door, so then I end up stopping and bringing him outside for a bit. Such a good helper he is lol
Last edited by WhiteRabbit; 11-14-2010 at 09:28 PM..
Oh I WISH I had a helper! Maybe by the time my collection is big enough to justify a greenhouse (it's getting there...) I will have some little kiddies on hand that are willing to help; either my own, or some "borrowed" nieces & nephews. Makes me think of the old days when farmers used to have big families in order to have extra hands to help with the harvest. LOL
My guinea pig has appointed himself as helper. He's out and about whenever I'm home (only have a small studio apartment type place) and is impossible to keep away when I'm on the floor repotting. Some of my orchids have little bite sized chunks missing from their leaves!
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
Poshkitty helps by rounding up or hiding away any stray pieces of bark or leca that fall to the floor. I've found quite the collection behind the piano.
Jess, my whippet cross, positively disdains helping and goes off to sleep in a warm comfy place if I'm in the house, or persists in bringing her tennis ball to me if I'm in the shed
Poshkitty helps by rounding up or hiding away any stray pieces of bark or leca that fall to the floor. I've found quite the collection behind the piano.