I have a passion for orchids (and most any other plant) but I am also passionate about my culture. I know that there are Korean orchids out there but every search leads me to China and Japan. I already have a 2 neofinetia but would like to have a geographically specific orchid.
I want one from Korea! Or... to lessen the cost of shipping, a Korean type orchid.
Maybe I am not understanding the whole Asian orchid culture specifically? Because I know neofinetia grow in China, Japan, and Korea... But isn't there a Korea specific orchid?
I'd ask my dad but he is completely biased and may say that all the Asian orchids are from Korea and that the rest of Asia stole them from us. >.>
Anyways, as close as I got in my research is: Korean cymbidiums. Where can I purchase one in the US of A? I tried to buy one while in Korea but my momma told me I wouldnt get it past customs. Oh dang~