My buds on the phal are turning yellow and dieing before flowering, the first two flowered normally but the others won't. Doing everything in great condition but every year they won't flower. please help
Hi sorry about the bud blast here are some of the things that can cause it , Cold or hot air drafts on the plant , over ripe fruit near the plant it gives off a gas , gas fumes from a heater , bugs like brown scale or aphids , have heard of other things like air freshners , strong scented candles , over dry mix or to wet mix , rotted roots , I am sure there are some I have missed .. Gin
Welcome to the Orchid Board, what did you do different? You say you had two buds open normally then the rest failed to open? Did you by any chance move it?
Welcome to the OB. Gin's list is pretty comprehensive. I would add significant fluctuations in humidity to the list. Many of the environmental factors on Gin's list, like the ripening fruit, hot or cold drafts, natural gas combustion fumes (and fluctuations in humidity) could be affecting the orchid as a result of a move - as suggested by Carol.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, there's nothing that can be done to reverse bud blast. You have to wait for a second flowering from the existing spikes (if it's the type of orchid that does that sort of thing) or for the next flowering cycle of the orchid.
Hi, it's so disappointing for you to find that the buds on your phal are yellowing when you have waited so long for it to bloom I can only add one more tip to the list of very helpful advice from the other ob members. When watering, do make sure the water is at room temperature.
Last edited by val_and_graham; 11-10-2010 at 12:24 PM..