I am very new to orchids and have read that a lot of people keep theirs outdoors at least part of the year. Here in Houston the weather is still in the mid-70's to lower 80's during the day. Would it benefit my Ascocenda and Beallara to spend the daytime outdoors? It's getting into the 40's and 50's at night so I'd bring them in at night. I have a patio that gets morning and late afternoon sun, but is shaded during the near noon hours, so I think this would be a great place for them. If there's no real benefit I'll keep them indoors to limit the potential for getting bugs on them.
This time of the year is tricky for me. I want the chids to spend as much time outside to encourage the potential spring blooms, but there is always the risk of temperature drops and bugs.
If mine are in sheath but the buds haven't popped out yet, I put them out. If the buds are out, I keep them in (learned my lesson from a wayward grasshopper who decided to feast on my buds as a last supper before the weather change!)
In fact, since the weather will stay above 55 daytime, I am putting mine out this week. This morning at 10am, temp was 56 so I put all of the Onc intergenerics and the Catt hybids out to enjoy the sun.
Mind you, mine get filtered shade from a very large 50yo elm and 5yo riverbirch tree (even without leaves there is enough to keep them from burning the leaves of my chids).
When the temp will be below 55 daytime, they stay in the shadehouse/greenhouse with lights (I have 1 T-5, 3 T-8s, and 2 T-12s.
Currently, my plants here in houston are outdoors, this temp drop sets many buds for flowering and since the sun and temp is less, you shouldn't have any plants getting burned. I am providing heat at night though to keep them at 50 or above
You might be interested to see this thread about my recent success with re-blooming a deeply-tropical species in chilly, foggy San Francisco.
Part of it involved moving the plant outdoors for the day, when cool nights were expected. Much of the rest of the time, night temps were no lower than days, and it stayed out.
When buds are forming, I wouldn't take a chance with leaving her out there on a too-cool day or night.