Hmm, 'puggled', is that one of these quirky Scottish words??

Also, I think that fact that you've named him is excellent - all mine have names except one (and I'm thinking of opening up an OB poll just for a bit of fun over the winter months!)
On that note then, here's a link to a thread I opened a little while ago about a keiki of mine:
It should give you an idea of what I mean and its placement on the spike (btw, the mamma plant is called Toya and the Keiki is Yuki).
Looking at your photos, when your spike broke just above the node, it obviously decided to put out flowers (as opposed to a keiki) - mine grew after I cut the spike after the flowers fell.
I know it's hard to experiment on your plants when you're afraid of losing them, so you have my sympathy! Good luck