Strings and strange sticky yellow things in medium
Do any of you recognise these strings and the yellow/orange looking blobs on the piece of bark? Should I be concerned? How can I get rid of it? Does it spread to other plants?
I don't know what it is, but is this the plant that has the strange 'bite marks'? If so, I would get it out of that potting media. Wash it well and possibly give the roots and plant a quick fungicide and insecticide bath and repot in fresh potting media. Make sure to sterilize the pot or use a different one.
It's not the same plant. These are the roots of a catt. The bite marks in the other post are only on a handful of phals. I've moved the plant to its own area just to be sure for now.
looks like the mycelial hyphae of some type of fungus the strings. A good cleaning up and some soaking in fungicide/bactericide should help indeed....
cant tell what kind of plant that is but it look like its been over-watered some and you got fungus attacked from all the moisture and not enough air flow..less water and more air