I got my first Cattleya two weeks ago and through this time only watered it once over a week ago. This week I took it to work and put in a decorative clay pot with more than 1" gap all around the side and the bottom. The inner pot is sitting on a small paper box (temporary support until I can find a right size brick). I thought that making the pot "floating" inside the decorative pot should provide enough ventilation.
I leave a bamboo stick in the pot for moisture check and last night I saw some white mold on the tip of the stick when I pull it out to check the moisture. Didn't see it when I checked two days ago. I lift up the pot and looked from underneath, through one drain hole I saw some more mold on a piece of the wood bark. I'm sure it's mold not some kind of bug. I think this is a bad sign
I'm guessing that this is due to the lack of or not enough air movement? I wanted to repot since the time I got it (the plant is overflowing the edge of the pot already) but I have read that the good time to repot is usually Spring or when there is new root growth. In this situation, should I repot or what else should I do? If repot, I want to try expanded clay pallets, is this a good choice in my condition? My company just moved to a new building and we are not allowed to bring a personal fan/heater to the new office.