Or go buy a sympathy orchid that I can't really afford?
I know, I know, everyone and their uncle has made a thread along the lines of "ohemgee I did ____ to my orchid and it's on the brink of death what do I doooo?!?!?!"
But, I'm part of "everyone" so I feel the need to make my own as well.
Subject: dearest Phal. aphrodite subsp. formosana.
Beautiful root system turned to jelly by an aggressive mold a month ago.
Been sitting in damp hydroton until I got some new root growth, and then was either going to be mounted or potted in CHC.
Like an IDIOT, I did not cut away the old leaf sheaths after a couple leaves were used for energy and fell off.
Cut them away today, and discovered black rot all the way into the "heart" of the crown.
Dunked in Hydrogen Peroxide, cut away the infection, and had a glass of wine.
It's now in a pseudo-sphag-and-bag set up that's basically a tupperware with a damp paper towel in one corner, vented plastic wrap over the top, and a low-watt reptile heat mat underneath.
I found this guy in a GROCERY STORE. It rocks. I'd hate to lose it. Should I have faith and try to save it, or just cut my losses?
ETA: Oh. yeah. you probably want a picture.
In bloom:
ETA: btw. that's cinnamon. Not some crazy mold.