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10-23-2010, 08:55 PM
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Bllra Tahoma Glacier "Sugar Sweet" Am/AOS (Yes/No?)
I'm still a beginner, got two Vandas and two Cattleyas during the last few weeks and still learning how to keep them.
Today just saw this at OSH and liked it a lot. Should I get it or it's a bad idea?

10-23-2010, 09:23 PM
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I'd get it  lol
I have had pretty decent success with Onc inter-generics (I'm in San Jose). Unlike Catts, Bllra shouldn't dry out inbetween waterings.

10-23-2010, 09:36 PM
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Thanks, WhiteRabbit. I'm glad you are local and had success with it. I will get it tomorrow. Hope it's still there 

10-23-2010, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by TinTinGirl
Thanks, WhiteRabbit. I'm glad you are local and had success with it. I will get it tomorrow. Hope it's still there 
well my one Bllra spiked not long after I got it last year - nothing this year, I suspect it may need more light than it's been getting - tho it's also showing signs of being underwatered, so hopefully I can get it going better. Had luck with quite a few Onc intergenerics tho - so I'd still get it 

10-23-2010, 11:25 PM
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Bob, thanks! I didn't see your post when I was posting my last one (maybe it was when I was still typing).
I just got the other orchids (total of 6 during the past 2 weeks from my local farmers' market) so felt like I'm having orchid craving all of the sudden!
Since the first 4 I got were more like spur of the moment decisions (the lady seller at the farmers' market was super good). With this one I'm trying to make a "more educated decision". Don't know if this will always work...
Do you keep your orchids outdoor? I water my Vanda everyday and still feel that it didn't get enough (and today I just got another one...  )
WR, where do you keep yours? Any additional light? I have no idea the differenc between the intergenerics and so on...
BTW, I'm in Milpitas but I changed it to San Jose as it's more recognizable. I noticed your is zone 9a, I put 9b as I couldn't really tell from that tiny map. Maybe, I'm 9a too 

10-23-2010, 09:33 PM
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Getting an orchid is NEVER a bad idea.
Will the orchid be happy with you depends on how you treat it. The more different types you have, the more varied your condition need to be. I'd put Beallara between your cats and the Vandas.
The way I treat them, my Vandas are bare root in very bright light (couple hours of direct sun before noon). I mist them once or twice a week during winter, and let nature do it for me during our rainy season. My Cats are generally in Special Orchid mix in wood baskets and they get bright light (bright, but only dappled direct sun). The media holds some moisture, so they get watered only if dry during summer and once a week or so during winter/dry season.
I've only got a couple of Beallaras (one in spike now) and they seem to be doing pretty well between the Vandas and Cats. I have occasionally thought they might be getting a little too much sun, but then saw the spike forming and decided against a move.

10-24-2010, 01:13 AM
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hehe - yeah - not sure if technically is 9a or 9b ... just plain 9 works 
I have some oncidium alliance outside now, but the Bllra was left inside, and maybe didn't get enough light in the window it's in - tho looking at it, I really must have rather severely underwatered it this year as the growth from this year is really badly crimped up, so that might also be why it hasn't bloomed.
Usually my Oncidium alliance plants do well with some morning light, or afternoon light. Just have to watch when they are outside, getting afternoon sun, when it's extremely hot (upper 90s and higher) - have burned foliage, cooked pbulbs in searing afternoon sun. I actually have an Odontioda (Odontoglossum x Cochlioda) that blooms well in a north window, but I don't know if that's enough light for others.
Bllra is a hybrid of Brassia, Cochlioda, Miltonia and Odontoglossum. Generally I care for Oncidium alliance inter-generics pretty much all the same, and adjust if it seems necessary - Moderate light - east or west exposure (some can take more light than others) - and not allowing media to dry inbetween waterings.
When inside, all of my orchids are directly on windowsills, and get no additional artificial light.
I have some orchids that are temperature tolerant, and grow outside year round (except for exceptionally low overnight temps).
Others are inside from maybe mid November thru sometime in April. Some I leave inside all year. This year I left more inside, just due to laziness. But the Catt alliance plants always go out - hard for me to get them sufficient light inside after spring (south facing window is good fall - spring, but as sun gets higher in the sky, not so much) I have gotten many Oncidium alliance to bloom in windowsills as well as outside. But sometimes it does take some time to find their "happy place"
BTW - was this at an OSH in Milpitas?
I have got some cool finds at OSH! The one on San Carlos in San Jose especially, but I don't get over that way too much - might be better that way tho lol
Last edited by WhiteRabbit; 10-24-2010 at 01:16 AM..

10-24-2010, 03:54 AM
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Thank you so much, WR, I'm so glad I found you
I was so worried about the lighting and where to put my orchids. I read that Vandas need a lot of light and my south window is even more shaded than my north. During the past week I have been reading and searching for lights that would work for me both at home and at work (I plan to bring one of my Catts to work). I wanted to set up a table with some lamp inside my living room for wintering the Vandas and for the home Catt. Since the Vandas are so tall, it's hard to find a set-up that will provide enough ligth and still make the living room look decent. You mentioned that your Catt is outside. I wonder if I should put my "Lemon Chiffon" Catt outside too? If I could leave them all outside would save me a lot of headache.
If I can get the "Sugar Sweet", I will try keeping it on my north windowsill where my Catts currently are and will see if I can get away with it without supplemental lights. Yes, I saw it at the Milpitas OSH. If they sold that one, I might try your location  I got all my other orchids from the farmers' market at good prices (I wonder if I should wait and check the farmers' market first), the OSH one is more expensive. It's true, I now feel that it is so dangerous to get near any stores selling orchids... lol 

10-24-2010, 05:00 AM
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yeah - vandas need a lot of light and due to the large size of many, I don't have any - I do have an Ascoceneda Su Fun Beauty, which I call my "mini vanda" as it looks like a vanda, but fits well on a windowsill lol
I'd probably leave the catt inside now til spring = some can take some cold - but when it comes to hybrids, it's harder to know. I do have an eplc (epidendrum, laelia, cattelya hybrid) that did fine last winter outside. I may try leaving some others out this winter, but it's all a gamble lol. My first ever orchid, a catt hybrid has survived a winter outside here. but was sheltered. I do keep a watch of overnight low temps, and any "iffy" orchids, cold-wise, get pushed up near house on sheltered porch when lows are forecasted near 40, and put in garage for temps less than upper 30s. Also need to watch for frost warnings. But my windowsills are very crowded in winter, and don't know what else to do lol - but I don't know that I would "recommend" it. If you can get lights set up - that might be a better option. I actually still have a light issue for some left outside in winter, as I try to keep a lot of them on the dryer side if it's cold, so they reside on the porch which in winter doesn't get a lot of light.
All you can do is try things to see what works for you. Lights are good if you can do it.
Yeah - I noticed at OSH that the 4" orchids are - well, don't want to say pricey, but definitely not a bargain. BUT! 3" pots are (or were, anyway) $10 - at least at the couple stores I have been in - and I have got some "bargains" in 3" pots.
Trader Joes can have some nice orchids, and the price is good, 3" $8 I think, 4" $14 maybe ? - sometimes tagged, but not always. Also depending on the grower they come from- you might find a small plant in a 4" pot - but usually they are a decent size for their pots.
I know what you mean about it being dangerous to go into stores where you know they sell orchids. Since I am about out of space for orchids, at least I am much better about not buying one anytime I am at a store ... I have only bought 2 at stores this year, both small plants that will not get big
My first orchid came from the downtown SJ farmer's market. Last summer I got a couple really cheap from a farmer's market near my house - they don't have tagged plants, but many were recognizable to me. And - if I like something - especially if the price is good - I can live without a name lol

10-25-2010, 02:35 PM
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Well... I didn't make it to OSH yesterday but I went to the farmers market and probably you can guess, I got 2 more orchids
This time they are the Onc types, no tags so I don't know their names. The one with blue lip smells similar to my Catt and the reddish one has no smell. I'm going to try attaching some pics here so you can see them.
DSC09298 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
DSC09295 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
I just noticed last night while taking the pics that the leaves have a lot of tiny black spots on both plants. Is this some kind of orchid disease? I was focusing on the flowers and didn't pay attention to the leaves
Tonight might swing by OSH though 
bad, idea, lot, osh, weeks, am/aos, yes/no, sweet, sugar, tahoma, glacier, bllra  |
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