Bob, thanks! I didn't see your post when I was posting my last one (maybe it was when I was still typing).
I just got the other orchids (total of 6 during the past 2 weeks from my local farmers' market) so felt like I'm having orchid craving all of the sudden!
Since the first 4 I got were more like spur of the moment decisions (the lady seller at the farmers' market was super good). With this one I'm trying to make a "more educated decision". Don't know if this will always work...
Do you keep your orchids outdoor? I water my Vanda everyday and still feel that it didn't get enough (and today I just got another one...

WR, where do you keep yours? Any additional light? I have no idea the differenc between the intergenerics and so on...
BTW, I'm in Milpitas but I changed it to San Jose as it's more recognizable. I noticed your is zone 9a, I put 9b as I couldn't really tell from that tiny map. Maybe, I'm 9a too